Step 1. Open "Fees" icon

If you didn't see this icon you type on the search box SCHOOL FEES WC

Step 2. Click NEW on the upper right corner of the page

Step 3. Fill out the fields (School year, Semester etc.)

Step 4. For adding fees, click the add row button then type the item name and put the amount.

Note: If you type the item then you didn't see any item name suggest/dropdown, Click the Create a new item below to create the item.

Step 5. You will see this after you click Create a new item, then fill out the fields needed.


Item code and Item name should be the same. Item group should be "services" Default unit measure should be "Nos" then click SAVE. Please image above for reference.

Step 6. After you input all the items/fees and their amount click SAVE on the upper right corner of the page.